Thursday 6 January 2011

Celebration Time

Right now I am feeling more than a little proud of myself, for my entry for the Sketchbook Project is complete and ready to posted to America tomorrow. I have never produced so many paintings in my life and I have certainly never created so much in such a relatively short period of time. In my introduction I wrote:
“This project has been  such an amazing personal journey as I have never attempted anything like this before; not only learning how to use a paintbrush, how to creatively express mindfulness, but also to  understand painting as a ritual.”
Wow, what an adventure this has been :)
Now that I have finished I do feel rather protective of my little book, I am more than a little frightened of sending it off into the big wide world. However, the thought of at least one person opening my book and enjoying the art I have created with such love, such passion, is good enough for me. 
Here are my last pages ( she writes with a big smile on her face):


  1. I am so impressed!! I love how colorful, fun and magical your paintings are!!! And you just learned how to paint? AMAZING! xoxo

  2. Milena, You've been so busy. Your vivid drawings are a treat to behold. You've birthed a very creative project!

  3. Milena, I am SO PROUD of you for completing this. And also rather in awe! Congratulations! Hope you're going to treat yourself to a nice little rest now...

  4. Hi Milena! Lovelt to see your vibrant spirit in your paintings.

  5. i love your queen crown of hope...
    & the many, many pages flowing through you like lovely water!

  6. I've said it before ... I hope our books get to snuggle next to each other!

    I so know what you mean about letting it go! I really had a hard time ... and am worrying about pages sticking, things peeling off ... but that is my book's karma, isn't it? ;)

    I am glad you joined me in this crazy adventure ... it was a bit like a term paper ... not believing I had much to say and then the pressure squeezed some surprising things out of me and i marvel "i did that?!"

    Your pages could be prints! Or cards ... I hope you scanned them all ... I could see a deck of inspiration cards with your images and words. I'll pre-order right now! And by hook or crook, I will get myself to a venue to see the journals!

    xo Lis
