Saturday, 24 March 2012

I love it!

Prompt: I love it!

I love the Spring for it seems to me the greatest miracle.
I love greeting each resurfacing plant, each deliciously new bud,
Like a treasured, long lost friend. 
I love the sweet, fresh air on my face, 
And the warming soil between my fingers.

I am also discovering the deeply truthful and beautiful poetry of John O'Donohue, a sample of which I have added to my shot for these words sing to me.


  1. What a BEAUTIFUL (!!!!) Photo, I absolutely love these trees, and your thoughts are wonderful as well. It is such a treat to have spring here too.

    I will have to check out Mr. O'Donohue, as I don't believe that I have read anything of his.

    Thanks for visiting my blog as well!

    :) Angie

  2. I love those magnolia trees. I can always smell them as I run in the mornings. Such lovely trees. Beautiful photo.

  3. i was just looking at these same juicy buds yesterday... i love your quote!! spring love to you.

  4. Oh.. Milena, this is simply beautiful.
    Soft, gentle, I can almost smell the sweet scent of them.

  5. Oh, I am loving Spring myself! And now I have a beautiful companion gracing the wall of my yoga room ... reminding me of my wing buds fluttering free and friends so dear, I am lifted high into the sky.

    You made my day yesterday. Well, every day as you are always in my thoughts and in my heart.

    xo Lis

  6. Miracles that seek no attention - that's wonderful! I like your photo very much, Milena. Happy spring to you.
