Friday, 21 October 2011

Autumn colours

This week's theme is Autumn Colours; a perfect fit for an Autumn lover like me. It was most interesting searching for quotes and poems to connect with my pictures , as so many with an Autumn theme are down right miserable! Autumn as the time of loss, of loneliness and impending darkness- it had me shaking my head in sheer disbelief, as for me personally it is the season of much richness and  creativity. I look forward to this time with all my being. But in the end I found a good old Bronte sister to support my heart's conviction and I shall also repeat my favourite George Eliot quote for good measure.

Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the Autumn tree.
Emily Bronte

Delicious Autumn! My soul is wedded to it and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive Autumns.
George Eliot


  1. Lovely images! Particularly like that second one - gorgeous! xx

  2. I'd be interested in knowing how you photographed these images, Milena - they're mesmerizing. You have an eye for the unusual perspective.

  3. Oh yes, you "do" Autumn exquisitely well!

    Been thinking about you lately ... what writing adventures have you been up to? As always, your images and words leave me hungry for more!

    xo Lis
