Wednesday, 22 June 2011

One word (to describe me)

This week's theme is 'one word- to describe yourself'. I know my interpretation has two words, I hope you forgive me, for these words  seem a part of me this week.

High expectations create a two edged sword for me. Whilst the pressure I place on myself constantly is damaging, I also reach for the stars, and this is something that I really need to hold on to.

"For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream. "


  1. fantastic all both words!!

  2. Lovely photo :)

    And who among us does not have great expectations?!! We all want to be or have something more.

    When I read your quote I though of this one - hope you enjoy it

    "Shoot for the moon.
    Even if you miss it you will land among the stars."
    - Les Brown

    Keep shooting!! (Camera and for the stars)

  3. That is an awesome pencil to have! I share the same dual issues with some of my 'words' !!

  4. This is a good one, Milena - and I swear I could have used it myself.
    Love the quote! xo

  5. fantastic photo. love your interpretation of this prompt.

  6. Great it! The possibilities are endless!!!

  7. I think we all should have great expectations . . . and learn to forgive the misses.

  8. ah nice one, very interesting. and totally coveting your penguin pencil now!

    great quote, can't remember reading it before.
